Image of a wooden boardroom that Celagenix uses for meetings and client engagements. Celagenix poster against the wall

The New Standard in Independent Financial Advice and Life Management

Celagenix Financial Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Celagenix Holdings (Pty) Ltd, is an authorised Financial Services Provider in terms of Section 8 of the FAIS.

FSP Number: 51436

After more than two decades in the industry, we had an epiphany: shake things up with an lean operating model and keen business acumen to completely redefine value for financial services clients. Fed up with the traditional model where fees dictate advice and sales overshadow innovation, we broke away from the status quo. Our low-cost, client-centric approach emerged from these very frustrations.

Image of a wooden boardroom that Celagenix uses for meetings and client engagements. Celagenix poster against the wall

Our Mission

We're flipping the script on traditional financial planning and advice. Say goodbye to the old ways that put advisors and clients on a hamster wheel - it's time for clients to take the spotlight in this financial revolution. Our mission? To enrich the lives of our clients by making them less dependent and more self-sufficient. With affordability, accessibility, flexibility, and transparency as cornerstones, we aim to make financial prosperity and personal well-being not only achievable, but downright essential.

"We want to live in a world where people have access to the best financial advice & life management tools, as they have to the best technologies. We are no longer willing to compromise with a traditional advisory model that favours profit over people."

Our Founder

Martin Louw is one of the co-founders of Celagenix®, a management consulting group with a global reach spanning 17 countries and 100+ corporate clients. Celagenix® Financial Services is the financial consulting arm of the group, connecting individuals and businesses with a dream team of experts in financial planning and life management. Built alongside a strong network of partners, the value proposition of Celagenix® echoes our conviction to transform financial services, for the benefit of our clients.

Key Individual & Director | Celagenix® Financial Services

More than two decades' as an independent advisor, planner and wealth manager.

Image of Martin J Louw, the founder and key individual of Celagenix Financial Services
Image of Martin J Louw, the founder and key individual of Celagenix Financial Services
Head of Strategy & Enablement | Celagenix® Group of Companies

Lead Consultant to a large contingent of corporate clients and businesses.

Business Mentor, Progress Coach & Tactical Sprint Facilitator

Founder and owner of multiple businesses spanning more than 2 decades.

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